Sunday, August 11, 2013

M's 1st solid food

Makena turned 6 months old a few weeks ago and we have started her on some solid foods.  She is still primarily breastfed, but we have started giving her solids once or sometimes twice/day. Making Makena’s baby food is something I’ve been looking forward to for quite some time. However, once the time came I got a little overwhelmed. What can she have? What should I feed her first? Will that make her constipated? Prior to starting her on solids, I read through a couple of books So Easy Baby Food and The Baby & Toddler Cookbook, and realized I already knew most of the information. I guess it just seemed overwhelming at first because it was new.

We decided to give Makena avocado as her very first solid food. We simply mashed it up and mixed it with a little bit of breast milk to thin it out and she really enjoyed it! It took her a while to get the hang of eating other foods such as acorn squash, bananas, and apples but she’s getting the hang of it and becoming quite the little eater. As I mentioned before, we started off by offering her food once a day or when we would think of it and now give it to her consistently twice a day for lunch and dinner.
Why Avocado first?
Well, through lots of reading and research I found out that avocado is a great first food for baby for many reasons: 1) its smooth texture & creaminess 2) its full of “good” fats and has a high nutrient content 3) barely any preparation at all –simply mash and serve! :)

Avocado is full of awesomeness like:
ü  Unsaturated fats- known for normal growth & development of the brain and of the central nervous system
ü  Lutein-eye health
ü  Postassium-30% more than bananas and reduces blood pressure
ü  Fiber
ü  Vitamins A, E, K, & B
ü  Folate-folic acid & a healthy heart
ü  Iron

As you can see, Avocado is a great choice for a little one’s first solid food! For more information about the great benefits of avocado checkout Avocado Central. So far we have tried avocado and avocado mixed with acorn squash, butternut squash, and even pears! I look forward to sharing more information, recipes, and tips on solid foods. Please feel free to share your recipes and any tips you may have!

Thanks for stopping by!


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